The Basics of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is centered on aesthetic improvements for your teeth and smile. From laser teeth whitening to prosthetic implants, many cosmetic dentistry procedures set out not only to improve appearance, but also to restore function. Read on to learn more about the basics of cosmetic dentistry.

Dental Fillings and Cosmetic Dentistry

Once upon a time, there was only one option for fillings: amalgam. The aluminum-looking substance may have restorative benefits, but it’s not very good at being discreet. Fillings are used to prevent further damage and decay in the tooth decay.

Now cosmetic dentistry provides further options for fillings. Porcelain and composite resin emulate the look of natural teeth. These materials can also be used for crowns.

Composite fillings are more expensive than amalgam. Dental insurance is not likely to cover the difference. Amalgam is also reported to last almost twice as long. However, depending on where in the mouth your filling or crown is located, it may be beneficial to choose something that blends with your natural teeth.

The Basics of Cosmetic Dentistry: Dental Bridges and Dental Implants

Keeping your teeth in tact is necessary for the overall health of your mouth. However, when a tooth cannot be salvaged, extraction is necessary. Missing teeth can set the entire mouth off balance, leading to speech problems, TMJ, changes to the bite, periodontal disease and chewing difficulty.

In cosmetic dentistry, dental bridges and dental implants may be used in place of a tooth that is beyond repair. Bridges and implants look and function much better than dentures. Dental implants are made of titanium. Cosmetic surgery is necessary to fasten the implants into the jawbone. The implants behave as a replacement for the root and are capped with the appearance of a natural tooth.

A dental bridge makes use of the teeth right next to the missing tooth. The adjacent teeth are shaped and fitted with a dental bridge, which is essentially a row of crowns. Through a dental bridge, the adjacent teeth act as a support structure for crown placement.

The Basics of Cosmetic Dentistry: Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a kind of laminating method for improving the exterior appearance of the teeth. Veneers are often made of porcelain, which mirrors the look of a natural tooth. Porcelain veneers are useful for cracks, chips and gaps in the teeth. They can also be used to mask discoloration. Porcelain veneers last a long time and provide aesthetic benefits.

Tooth Whitening and Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth can get stained for various reasons. Smoking, coffee, tea, wine and bad oral hygiene are all common causes for lackluster teeth. Normal wear and tear is enough for teeth to lose their pearly white appearance eventually.

Cosmetic dentistry provides options for whitening teeth. Tooth whitening not only diminishes stains, it can also lighten your natural tooth color. A number of tooth whitening options are available. Some are more effective than others are.

Cosmetic Dentistry: Tooth Whitening at Home

You can get a tooth whitening system for at-home use from your dentist. A bleaching gel will be prepared and placed inside custom fitted trays. The trays are worn in your mouth at night for about two to three weeks.

There are a number of over-the-counter tooth whitening systems available for at-home use. Over-the-counter kits aren’t nearly as effective as professional kits from your dentist. However, they are less expensive.

Dentistry and Cosmetic Laser Surgery

Cosmetic laser surgery is the most effective method for whitening the teeth. Performed in the doctor’s office, laser whitening consists of applying a bleaching agent and activating it through laser energy. The procedure is especially advantageous for people with sensitive teeth, as sensitivity is not normally a side effect.

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